Gnerating phone number wordlist


Generate own password list for wifi connection, for those who use their phone number as a password. Of course, this is hard to be found in a downloadable wordlist dictionary. So CHC present you the way to generate a wordlist phone number with the Backtrack utility: crunch.

First, move to this directory:

crunch <min-len> <max-len> [charset OR  -f  /path/to/charset.lst  charset-name]  [-o wordlist.txt] [-t [FIXED]@@@@]   [-s startblock] [-c number]

root@bt:~# cd /pentest/passwords/crunch 

 ./crunch 9 9 -t 90%%%%%% -o /root/Desktop/numlst.txt  

- Notice that 9 9 means: start with 8 numbers and finish with all the possible combinations of 8 numbers

- You can change 8 by the number of digits that correspond to phone numbers in your country, like 10 10 etc

 20 is the number of the phone provider i have chosen, you can replace this by the number of your convenience

- %=
corresponds to the all the possible combinations from 0 to 9.

- The number of % must fit the number of characters of the phone number, for eg: if your phone number if 10 digits you must type % 10 times

- "-t" means to crunch that this a phone number and that he must not alter the phone number indicator, which is here (90).

1 comment:

  1. Hi... Can u please hack my girlfriend email id please pls reply
