Banner Grabbing - Backtrack

 Banner Grabbing - OS Detection 

OS Fingerprinting

After we know that the target machine is live, we can then find out the operating system used by the target machine. This method is commonly known as Operating System (OS) fingerprinting.So today i will teach you how you can find which operating system your target is using. 


xprobe2 is an OS fingerprinting tool. It fingerprints operating systems by using fuzzy signature matching, probabilistic guesses, multiple matches simultaneously, and a signature database. You need to run xprobe2 with root privileges as the xprobe2 uses a raw socket to send the probes.To access xprobe2:-

1. root@root# xprobe

//run it in ur console and it will open the xprobe usage on ur shell and u can also see which version ur using backtrack 5 r1 is using xprobe2////

Currently, xprobe2 has the following modules:

• icmp_ping: ICMP echo discovery module
• tcp_ping: TCP-based ping discovery module
• udp_ping: UDP-based ping discovery module
• ttl_calc: TCP and UDP based TTL distance calculation
• portscan: TCP and UDP PortScanner
• icmp_echo: ICMP echo request fingerprinting module
• icmp_tstamp: ICMP timestamp request fingerprinting module
• icmp_amask: ICMP address mask request fingerprinting module
• icmp_port_unreach: ICMP port unreachable fingerprinting module
• tcp_hshake: TCP Handshake fingerprinting module
• tcp_rst: TCP RST fingerprinting module
• smb: SMB fingerprinting module
• snmp: SNMPv2c fingerprinting module

For fingerprinting a remote machine, you can just call xprobe2 and give the remote machine IP address or hostname as the argument:

2. root@root# xprobe2