Four Types of switches
1.Synchronous Scans
2.Ping Scans
3.Time Scans
4.Output Type
Synchronous Scan:
All synchronous scans start with “-s”(without quotes), note that the ‘s’ denoting synchronous is not capital. Now a basic synchronous scan command is written as follows,
All synchronous scans start with “-s”(without quotes), note that the ‘s’ denoting synchronous is not capital. Now a basic synchronous scan command is written as follows,
nmap -s[synchronous scan type] ip_address
-sT Synchronous TCP scan
-sS Synchronous Stealth scan(This type of scan most of the time goes undetected by remote system)
-sF Synchronous FIN Scan(Sends FIN packets with RST flag)
-sX XMAS tree scan(A packet is known as XMAS when its all flag are set)
-sU UDP scan
-sN NULL Scan
-sP Ping Scan
-sO Protocol Scan
-sA ACK Scan
-sW Windows Scan
-sR Remote Procedure Call
-sL List DNS
-sI IDLE scan(A scan done with spoofed IP Address)
How to remember all synchronous scans: After reading above switch list you must have noted all types of scans appears to start with first letter capital of its own spelling placed next to “-s” except protocol scan which uses O. So practically you don’t need to remember anything other than which type of scan you want to perform then post fix “-s” with its capital letter. Isn’t that easy, now consider you want to scan aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd for its open ports and DNS entries. Note what you want,
-List DNS that means L
so this will be your command,
nmap aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd -sL
If you want to scan UDP protocol then type,
nmap aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd -sO UDP
Note: No two Synchronous Scans can be combined together.
nmap -sS -sU aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is illegal.
Ping Scan: All Ping scans start with “-P”, note that P is capital and denotes ping. Now basic ping scan command is written as,
nmap -P[ping scan type] ip_address
-Pn No Ping
-PT TCP Ping
-PA ACK Ping
-PU UDP Ping
-PO Protocol Scan
-PS Synchronous Ping
-PI ICMP Ping Echo
-PB UDP ICMP timestamp
-PM ICMP Net Mask or Masked Scan
Now note the next option appearing after P is first letter capital of word’s own spelling except protocol ping and timestamp ping. As shown earlier everytime p from protocol will be replaced by O in scan type. To remember timestamp switch remember last letter p in timestamp appears like B.
Time Scans: Time switches are denoted by capital T.
-T Paranoid 300 seconds between scans
-T Sneaky 15 seconds between scans
-T Polite 4 seconds between scans
-T Normal Runs parallel scans
-T Aggressive 1.25 sec/probe
-T Insane 0.3 sec/probe
To remember time scans first we arrange times in descending order.
300 15 4 - 1.25 0.3
My friend is Paranoid who Sneaks around networks,
300 15
He appears Polite Normally but is Aggressive to the level of Insanity.
4 - 1.25 0.3
I think that will do. All time switches are appended at last of nmap command
nmap aaa.bbb.ccc -sS -T Polite
Output Type: It just formats output as you want. Always starts with “-o”
-oN Normal Output
-oX XML Output
-oG Grapple Output
-oA All Output
I don’t think now to explain how to remember them.
Other Important Switches:
--traceroute works similar as any other trace route program
-R Resolve DNS along with port scan
-v Scan in verbose mode
-O OS Scan
-O OS Scan
So here’s an example to create scan:
1.Create a Stealth Synchronous scan with normal output with 15 seconds between each scan. Resolve DNS and use verbose mode?
-Scan Type Synchronous means “-s”
-Subtype stealth “-sS”
-Use verbose “-sS -v”
-Resolve DNS “-sS -v -R”
-Normal Output “-sS -v -R -oN”
-15 seconds between scans “-sS -v -R -oN -T Sneaky”
So the answer is,
nmap aaa.bbb.ccc -sS -v -R -oN -T Sneaky
Following are for you try yourself,
2.Create a Ping protocol scan with 0.3 seconds scan difference between ports.
3.Create a Synchronous UDP scan with xml output use verbose mode.
gud one!
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