WinZip full version
Here is a simple hack to make WinZIP full version to end it's 40 day trail. Follow these steps :
1.Download this tool called "Resource Hacker" from here.
2.Install resource hacker and open it.Go to File > Open > Give path of WinRAR.exe file (In most cases it's :C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR).
3.Now go to Dialogue and select "Reminder" after expanding Dialogue pane.
5.Now save the changes and save the new file with name "WinRAR" at
some other location apart from C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR .
some other location apart from C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR .
7.Now restart the system and your WinRAR will no more give that 40 days left pop up !